The Native Creative


Abigail Ekue blog - events, musings, travel announcement, exhibits, photography

Mini Shoot Subscription

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Mini Shoot Monthly Subscription

A portrait session is our opportunity to work together to capture editorial, lifestyle and branding portraits of yourself.

I'm now offering a monthly service -- receive a Mini Shoot and images each month for a year! 

Perfect for keeping your online and social media content updated with the most recent photos or creating keepsake photographs of life moments and milestones.

Branding and Promotion

  • Artists, entrepreneurs or business owners who need photography for press and media kits

  • Creative headshots

  • Restaurateurs, bar owners to showcase seasonal new menu items and promotions

  • Product or fashion launch


  • Commemorate a pregnancy from bump to baby

  • Chronicle muscle gains or weight loss, fitness or bodybuilding milestones

  • Any sort of life transition that you want documented

Mini Shoot: 30 minutes, 8 photos of your choice


With your monthly subscription, the portraits we create will only get better - we'll develop a great working rapport that'll help us collaborate creatively and you'll become more at ease in front of the camera with each shoot!

Mini Shoot plans start at $179/month (a regular Mini Shoot is $250). Make easy monthly payments or pay for the whole year - $1889 one-time payment - and save $259.

Once you sign-up, shoots are guaranteed even in the event of postponement and/or rescheduling.

Mini Shoot subscription also available for nude shoots starting at $209/month.

If you aren't quite ready to sign up for a photo shoot subscription, please share this with someone who would sign up!